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Elegant simplicity

At Ottomania most products are made by artisans we have visited personally in their home country. For example, our Turkish bath (hamam) towels which are hand-woven, our trays and bowls made of tinned copper by coppersmiths, mouth-blown glass, hand-made spreads or shawls with needlepoint lace. We also design our own products. These products are strongly inspired by traditional designs and therefore appear to be almost traditional.

What we want to express most in our store is the elegant simplicity of Ottoman designs and lifestyle. All an Ottoman house needed to create a rich atmosphere were an elegant, wall-to-wall cabinet with woodcarvings and a long bench covered with beautiful fabrics and cushions. Whether a palace or a simple farmer?s home, the interior decoration was always simply elegant and had a sense of fine details that were never overly abundant. This is the feeling we want to recreate at Ottomania. (It was not until the late Ottoman period, when Baroque influences from Europe became popular, that interior decoration did become overly abundant.)

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